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Watering Do’s and Don’ts

February 20, 2022

Watering dos and donts 

  • Do water all plant the same amount! Yes, I know this might be different from what you may have heard, but all plant like a good drink of water. The difference is how OFTEN you water each plant. 

  • Do find the right watering technique for you You can take your plants into the shower and water them this way, providing a rain like atmosphere. The good old fashion watering can method or try bottom watering. Bottom water is when you place you potted plant in a container of water and let the roots drink from the bottom drainage holes. This method is great for plants with pest problems to reduce moisture on the top layer of soil where pests eggs like to live. As well as, encourage your plant to grow a healthier stronger root system. All three work great but people swear by one or the other. I personally use all three and favor shower or bottom watering techniques. 

  • Do experiment! If you have multiples of the same plant you can do a science experiment and see what water methods, work for that plant! 

  • Don’t be shy! Check your plants soil, you can use your finger it a chopstick, stick either into your plant, as far as possible. If your finger or the chopstick come out damp/ dirty your soil is moist and is not ready for a drink, if your finger or chop stick comes out dry, not visibly dirty, it can use a drink. You’ll learn each plant the more you check it and you'll know if that plant prefers moist or drier soil. 

  • Don’t water daily. Also, don't stick to a strict watering schedule that tells you to water every plant in your collection every 3 days. Chances are you have a variety of plant species that like different levels of moisture and humidity. 

For more information on humidity in general check out of blog post - how humid is too humid? 

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